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Copyright!2016!MIPI!Alliance,!Inc.!!All!rights!reserved.! ! 2!
Introdu c tio n!
The!total!global!sen sor!market!is!expe cte d !to!re ac h!$154 .4B !by!2020
.!!$10.4 6B !of!this!will! be!made! up!
by!in te g ra te d !sensors!that!include!decision!m ak ing,!logic! functions!and!digital!comm unication.!!Sensors!
are! experiencing! an! unprecedented! growth,! from! $65 0M! in! 2012! and! with! an! expected! compound!
annual!growth!rate!of!36.25%!through !2020
.!!A!major!driver!has!been!the!adoption!of!low-cost,!sm all!
form! factor! sen sors! in! smartpho nes,! tablets! and! a! growing! num ber! of! wearables! applications.! ! The!
original! iPhone! was! introduced! in! 2007! w ith! advanced! sensing! capabilities! (i.e.! ambient! light,!
accelerometer!an d!proximity)!that!provided!an!inno vative !and!imp rov ed !user!interface.!!Since!then,!th e!
adoption!of!sensors!has!rapidly!escalated!and!the!larges t! se n so r! manufa ct u rer s! n o w ! sh ip ! billions!of!units!
per! year! for! mobile! and!consumer! applications.!!This! trend! is!continuing.! ! Smartphone! providers! are!
trying!to!gain!a !comp etitive!adva nta ge!by!adopting!new!sensors! and!sensing! technologies!fo r!impro ved !
user!experiences.!!Increased ! s e n so r ! c o n te n t!allows ! more!com plex!features!thro ugh ! sen so r! fusion , !where!
sensor! data! from ! m ultiple! sen sors! is! aggregated! and! analyzed! to! provide ! functions! that! cannot! be!
achieved! with! a! single! sensor.! ! Advanced! functionality! such! as! dead-reck on ing,! augmented/virtu al!
reality! and ! others! require! better! performing,! faster! and! som etime s! d uplicate! sets! of! senso rs.!!New!
sensing!techno logy!is!also!being!developed.!!A!possible!next!frontier!co uld! be!the!addition!of!gas!and!
chemical!sensors!to!mo nitor!a ir!qua lity!and!to xicity!leve ls!in!the!world!around!us.!!!
The!proliferation!of!sensors!in!mobile!devices!req uire s!app lication !proce sso rs!and/ or!sens or!hub s!with!
an!increased!numb er!of!logic!pins!used!for!sensor!communication! and!control.!!In!a!typical!app lica tio n,!
multiple! digital! communication! interfaces! are! used! along! with! supporting! logic! lines! for! de dica ted !
interrupt ! and! sleep!signals.!!Top!tier!smartphones! include!10!or!more!sensors! and!a!critical!point!has!
been!reached!where! 20! or! more! logic!signals!are!required.!!There!are!other! complicating!factors!as!well.!!
The! de! facto! com munication! standard! for! sensors! in! mobile! and! consum e r! applicatio ns ! is! I ²C.! ! I²C!
requires!only!two !signal!lines!(clock!and!data),!but!has!several!shortcomings,!including!the!inability!for!
sensor! slaves! to! in itia te ! communicat ion ,! an! overhead! protocol! that! reduces! throughput! and! pull-up!
resistors! that! limit! clock! speed! and! incre ase s! power! dissipation.!! Another!comm only! u s ed ! standard! is!
the! serial! peripheral! interface! or! SPI.! ! SP I! req uire s! four! com m u nic ation ! lines! and! is! used! whe re! large!
amounts! of! data! needs! to! b e! transferred,! such! as! clearing! data! batches! from! first! in,! first! out! (FIFO)!
buffers.! ! To!its! disadvantage,! SPI! lack s! a! clearly! defined! standard! that! has! resulted!in! m any! different!
implementatio n s.!!!
There! is! no! consistent! method ! fo r! in terfac ing ! to ! senso rs,! which! causes! considerable! integr at io n !
challenges.!! Device!and!platform!designers!are!faced!with!digital! in t erf ac e! f ra gmentat ion ! a n d ! h av e ! to !
deal! with! I²C,! SPI,! UART! and ! others.! ! What! if! there! was! a! single,! scalable,! cost-effective! and! clearly!
defined!standard!communication! interface! for!sensors?!!A nd!w hat!if!this!standard!could!unite!the!be st !
of! I²C! and! SPI! w hile! adding! new! functionality! that! the! current! standards! are! lacking?! ! In! 20 1 3 ,! MIPI!
Alliance!formed !a! Se nso r!Wo rking !Group!w ith!a! goal!to! develop!an! I²C! compatible!interface!with!sensor-
focused,!differentiated ! features.! !An!extensive!industry!survey!was!performed!in!conjunction!w ith!the!
MEMS! &! Sensors! Ind u s tr y! Group ! (MSIG)! to! collect! in form a tion ! a bo ut! what! a! ne w ! sta nd ard ! sh ou ld!
include.!!The!culmin at io n !of!this!survey!along !with !the!ongoing!efforts!of!the!Sensor!Working!Group!is!
the!brand! new!MIPI®! Alliance! Specification!for!I3C
!Improved!Inter! In te g ra te d !Circu it!(MIPI!I3C)!senso r!
interface !st an d a rd .!