Suggested Four-Week Plan
Week 1: Clone a copy of the course git repository into your account on the coursework server and work through
the introductory examples in the section of the handout titled “Blinking an LED using the iCE40 FPGA and the
Open-Source FPGA Tools”. Perform your first baseline power/timing/resource measurements, skim the iCE40
Ultra Plus FPGA datasheet (link) and read the research article (link) on processor performance limits.
Week 2: Become familiar with the RISC-V ISA and with the provided baseline RISC-V processor implementation in
Verilog. Read the section of the handout titled “A Brief Introduction to Computer Architecture with RISC-V” and watch
the videos on computer architecture, pipelining, and the Sunflower processor emulator. Complete your baseline
power, performance, and resource usage measurements. Propose planned changes. Submit interim report #1.
The section of the handout titled "RISC-V Processor Design Project Logistics" (link) provides a more
detailed walk-through of the project activities over the four weeks.
Week 3: Implement your proposed changes to improve timing, resource usage, and power/energy. Watch the video
on design optimization and Pareto optimality. Skim the iCE40 Memory Usage Guide (link) and the DSP Function
Usage Guide (link). If relevant to your proposed ideas, you might also want to skim the SPRAM Usage Guide (link),
the Oscillator Usage Guide (link), and the Technology Library Usage Guide (link). Submit interim report #2.
Week 4: Finalize your design, prepare for the competition. Write and submit your final report.