2 phillip stanley-marbell
its generalized coordinates. In this course, we will implicitly always assume the
components of a generalized coordinate correspond to sensor readings. Thus,
for example, for object in Figure
13.2 we might have a GPS together with a
temperature sensor inside the depicted red box, so the generalized coordi-
nates of interest will be tuples of {latitude, longi tude, elevation, temperature}.
Given this set of generalized coordinates, an example generalized path through
the coordinate space might be:
1 ...
2 52.2 deg, 0.103 deg, 0 m, 20 C
3 52.2 deg, 0.101 deg, 1 m, 15 C
4 52.2 deg, 0.098 deg, 2 m, 15 C
5 52.2 deg, 0.098 deg, 1 m, 15 C
6 52.2 deg, 0.097 deg, 1 m, 15 C
7 52.2 deg, 0.096 deg, 1 m, 15 C
8 52.2 deg, 0.098 deg, 2 m, 15 C
9 52.2 deg, 0.090 deg, 3 m, 17 C
10 52.2 deg, 0.090 deg, 4 m, 19 C
11 52.2 deg, 0.089 deg, 0 m, 19 C
12 ...
Figure 13.2: An object de-
picted at a location within
a Cartesian coordinate
space may have additional
properties such as a given
mass, temperature, and so
We can treat any set of sensors as a generalized coordinate space. For
example, for the SensorTag system described in Chapter
11, the generalized
coordinate space is 15-dimensional with dimensions:
{θ, a
, a
, a
, g
, g
, g
, m
, m
, m
, h, p, l, M, spl},
corresponding to sensors for temperature, 3-axis acceleration, 3-axis angular
rate, 3-axis magnetic flux, humidity, atmospheric pressure, ambient light,
magnet presence, and sound pressure level.
Let n be the number of sensors in a system and let c be the set of sensors for
the measurands we are interested in. We will refer to c as a configuration. For
example, for a system capable of measuring acceleration in x-, y-, and z-axes,
n = 3 and the configuration is x-, y-, and z-acceleration. We will refer to the
set of possible configurations as the configuration space. Some sensors making
up a configuration may provide redundant information. We will refer to the
smallest number of sensors that are needed to recreate a given configuration
as the dimension or degrees of freedom of the configuration space.
Let r(t) denote a sequence of measurand values
for a set of n sensors. We
Note that we are talking
about measurand values.
Measured sensor readings,
in contrast to the true value
of the measurand, could
take on any value as a
sensor may be noisy or
even faulty.
will refer to the set of possible measurand values as the coordinate space and
to a particular sequence of points (r (t)) in the coordinate space as a path in
the coordinate space. Given a path through a coordinate space, we will refer
to the rate of change of coordinates along the path as the generalized velocity.
For a given set of sensors, not all forms of r(t) are physically realizable, that
is, not sequences n-tuples of measurand values are physically possible.
This chapter introduces a conceptual tools and analytic techniques for rea-
soning about which sequences of measurand values are physically possible.