4 phillip stanley-marbell
an accelerometer (Figure
2.4). We will revisit such empirical sensor data in
more detail in Section 2.4.
- ()
percent level based on the Cramér-von Mises test.
Figure 2.4: 100 consecutive
x-axis readings from an
ADXL362 accelerometer
operating at 2.5 V and
mounted in a stationary
laboratory harness. The
distribution of values is a
result of both noise in the
sensor as well as vibrations
in its environment.
2.2.1 Self-Assessment Quiz
Complete the following
quiz to evaluate your understanding of the material
for Section
2.2.2 Errors and the types of uncertainty and errors
Because of the environment, its variations, and the effect of those variations
on the sensor or measurand, the data obtained from a sensor will invariably
differ from the true value of the measurand. We will refer to this differ-
ence as the measurement error. Every measurement has some amount of error
although we can take precautions to make this error small.
Errors are typically classified into two kinds. When the errors vary over
time, we will refer to them as random errors. As we will see in Section
the nature of this random variation could itself take on many forms, as the
variation might be uniformly distributed over some range, distributed with,
say, a Gaussian distribution, or distributed in some other way. Regardless of
the distribution of errors, the larger the spread or variation in measurements,
the larger is the measurement uncertainty. One example of random errors is
the variation in x-axis acceleration data from the accelerometer in Figure
due to vibrations in the environment or noise in the sensor.
Errors may also be fixed over time, such as an error which is a constant
offset. We will refer to such errors as systematic errors. Purely-systematic
errors therefore do not have any spread or uncertainty, but in practice, mea-
surements with a systematic error component will also have a random error
Metrologists sometimes classify measurement uncertainty into two other
designations, based on how the presence of the measurement uncertainty is
determined. When uncertainty in measured values is computed, for exam-
ple by statistical analysis of a set of measurement values to compute their
variance, the uncertainty so determined is referred to as Type A Uncertainty.
The uncertainty in a measurement may also be specified independent of the
properties observed of the measurement results, such as by specifying the un-
certainty of measurements provided by a given measurement instrument or
sensor, as was the case in Figure
2.3. This form of measurement uncertainty
is referred to as Type B Uncertainty.
Uncertainty in the value of a measurand can also be due to simply not hav-
ing any measurement of the measurand. This form of uncertainty is referred
to as epistemic uncertainty. In contrast to epistemic uncertainty, uncertainty