foundations of embedded systems 3
many so-called white goods such as washing machines or microwave ovens
contain one or more microcontrollers and sensors to control their operation.
Thus, for at least the last decade or more, almost anything that plugged into
a mains socket or which contained a battery also contained one or more
microcontrollers and sensors. For this reason, these computing systems are
traditionally referred to as embedded systems.
Other examples of embedded systems range from the FitBit family of fit-
ness trackers, to the flight controller for the Apollo moon mission, to the ap-
proximately two dozen sensors in Rolls Royce aircraft engine health manage-
ment (EHM) systems
, to car engine control units (ECUs), to programmable
These monitor and an-
alyze several engine pa-
rameters and transmit a
short (3 kB) summary to
a central analysis center
(in Derby, UK) using ei-
ther a VHF or satellite
data communication link.
For more information,
Rolls-Royce Engine
Health Management (link).
logic controllers (PLCs) in the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
systems of factories, power plants, and other industrial applications, and so
Unlike traditional computing systems, embedded systems are typically for
a fixed function and deployed (embedded) in hostile or energy-constrained
environments. An embedded system typically consists of sensor integrated
circuits such as temperature sensors or MEMS inertial sensors such as ac-
celerometers or may have inputs as simple as circuits for detecting the state
of a switch. The outputs of sensors feed into a computing element such as
a microprocessor, microcontroller, or digital signal processor (DSP) via an
analog to digital converter (ADC). A typical system then stores the results of
the processing of sensor data into a local log or memory, communicates the
data to a data collection point, or uses the data to determine how to drive an
actuator or a display.
Because embedded computing systems bridge the world of computation
with the physical world, they are sometimes referred to as cyber-physical sys-
tems. The contraction of the words cyber (of or relating to computers) and
physical in “cyberphysical”, as well as the word embedded imply these com-
putation and sensing systems are part of physical objects (or, colloquially,
things). Traditionally, embedded systems were standalone devices, typically
operating autonomously without human intervention and with little com-
munication with traditional computer networks. In the last decade, it has
become economically feasible to network embedded systems with each other
and with the Internet, leading to the term the Internet of Things (IoT). While
embedded systems are by no means new, what has fundamentally changed
in recent years is the availability of cheap sensors
, the interaction between
As an example, at the
time of writing the
MMA8451 MEMS ac-
celerometer costs as little
as 0.952 GBP when pur-
chased in quantity from a
distributor such as Mouser.
computation and sensors, the processing of data from those sensors, and
the ability to connect them to a global network. The economies of scale made
possible by the integration of sensors such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, and
pressure sensors into smartphones has made these dramatic cost reductions
possible, benefitting all systems which use these sensors.