4 phillip stanley-marbell
in. The path you are looking for will be something like
/dev/cu.usbmodem1441 .
Note: This is different from the file /dev/tty.usbmodem144 which is the path you
would need in connecting to the serial port directly from macOS.
If you are installing VirtualBox on Windows, you will instead need to set
the appropriate COM port.
C.2 Installing the cross compiler
We will use a for the ARM architecture to compile C programs on a host
workstation (e.g., MacOS or GNU/Linux) and generate binaries to run on
the ARM Cortex M0 processor on the FRDM KL03. This is similar to the
cross compilation you saw in Coursework Item 1, where we cross compiled
for the Sunflower emulator.
The ARM cross compiler tools are already installed on cpu1.f-of-e.org.
If you wish, you can install the cross-compilation tools on your own PC. On
Ubuntu, you can install the ARM cross compiler using
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi .
On macOS, you can get a version of the ARM cross-compiler tools that are
known to work, from
here. You will also need to install cmake if you are using
a system where cmake is not already installed.
C.3 Building the Warp firmware (on coursework server or your PC)
First, fork the Warp firmware repository on GitHub. If you choose to do
your compilation on the coursework server, then you will need to clone your
fork to your account on cpu1.f-of-e.org. Otherwise, clone your fork to the
Unix-based system (e.g., Linux or macOS) where you will do the compilation.
Before compiling the Warp firmware, you will need to set the ARMGCC
environment variable to indicate where the cross compiler is. This step
is also described in the
README.md of the Warp firmware repository. On
cpu1.f-of-e.org, you will need to execute export ARMGCC
DIR=/usr from
the shell, to set the compiler location environment variable correctly, since
the compiler is in
/usr/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc. To save yourself time doing
this each time you login, you can add that export statement to the .bashrc in
your home directory on cpu1.f-of-e.org. Once you have set the ARMGCC
environment variable, continue following the instructions in the
in the Warp firmware repository to build the firmware.
Once you have built the firmware, your final executables will be in the
work/demos/Warp/armgcc/Warp/release/, relative to the location
where you executed the command
./build.sh. You will need to copy the
file work/demos/Warp/armgcc/Warp/release/Warp.srec to the computer to
which you will plug your FRDM KL03 board. If you are running the compi-
lation on the same PC as you will be using to load the firmware, then the last